Saturday, December 22, 2007

He's the Devil in disguise...

Just came across this pic the other day...& everytime we look at it we howl. At the time I wasnt laughing though..this jackasss for a Santa showed up a half hour or more late, was miserable as sin & smelled of Jack Daniels.
I remember wanting to take my baby & leave....but her dad insisted it would be fine, we'd stay closeby....cause our daughter just couldnt miss out on getting her pic with Santa. So Em left him a special treat--a puddle of urine on his suit! Ha! My girl rocks.
...what is it about Christmas that turns our minds into jelly? For-going all common sense for the sake of...just what exactly? is it working?
Society has almost completely lost focus, & instead welcomed insanity:s
"Happy Birthday Jesus, we need you more than ever!"

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Open Floodgates!

God's been hanging out a LOT at our church these days...24/7 prayer, right round the clock, no structure other than [prayer]-time slots, no limits, just welcoming him to move freely, his terms, not ours, not a committee.
Just a buncha people crying out to God, longing to bless him through worship, thanksgiving, open to hearing him & responding/obeying, sweat droplets of intercession...heaven's floodgates swinging open & his glory raining, no, pouring down, within that room on Market Street.
A sure way to walk into an unmistakeable, invisible wall of Gods very presence before you [so thick] you could cry or, stand/sit/dance/kneel speechless & just soak in it. He had so much to say to me that during the time I was there to pray I ended up mostly listening, & it was impacting--in other words I cant describe it but to say he spoke clearer than aware of him right there literally, so purely, undeniably that I could feel his presence flowing into my bones, through me, stirring up... To many if not all of us involved, he spoke so many words of knowledge, prophetic statements/pictures which he also gave/confirmed to others in the group shortly after.
These are days to expect the unexpected i guess. no, for sure. Days to throw off every last stitch of religious garb we can, praying that he will free us from whats left so to enable him to open our eyes to the things of the Spirit; things we have not yet seen or heard. To prepare us for what lay ahead.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Renewed Again

Not all of us have time to gaze at trees, fields, flowers in their beautiful detail, under a rich blue sky painted with clouds & color...animals eating off the land after the earth is softened by the rain...

but it's good to take the time, to engage with the reality of God's creation, laid out perfectly for
each of us to's often that I feel drawn to take that extra look, busy or not & each time I do I find myself in awe once again, of such an infinite loving Creator of which no words can describe with the accuracy He deserves.
It's during those quiet moments I hear him the clearest...the sweet gentle voice of His Spirit dancing around me, ministering to me, captivating new places of my heart...