Monday, June 16, 2008


Psalm 146:5 - 10

But happy are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the LORD their God.
He is the one who made heaven & earth, the sea, & everything in them. He is the one who keeps every promise forever,
who gives justice to the oppressed and food to the hungry.
The LORD frees the prisoners.
The LORD opens the eyes of the blind.
The LORD lifts the burdens of those bent beneath their loads.
The LORD loves the righteous.
The LORD protects the foreigners among us.
He cares for the orphans & widows, but he frustrates the plans of the wicked.
The LORD will reign forever.
O Jerusalem, your God is King in every generation!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Friends Forever

Friends. Without them, life would be so much less joyful, so much more stressful & definately lonely.
While with them, we sometimes take them for granted, fret over petty issues & are always disappointed when we learn that they are human like us; imperfect & likely to have an occasional difference in opinion.
Jealousy is a common guest in any friendship at times; the ultimate test of even the Best of friendships.

But despite all this, I love my friends & I thank God for blessing me with each & every one. I love that a sad heart can suddenly burst with the relief of laughter when Im with them. I love that we can offer different perspectives to eachother, to alleviate confusion & instead have a new revelation of understanding. I love that sharing our personal 'stuff' is better than therapy, & usually leaves us in histarics, & our husbands shocked & perplexed by our shameless openess.
I love that a good friend can detect the slightest hue of trouble beneath a beautiful smile. I love that the second word reaches my girlfriends about some drama, theyre there in a second. And I love doing the same for them.
I love how confrontations & arguments between my friends & I almost always turns into an embrace, & maybe even a tear.
I love how we seem to notice things at exactly the same time. I love to encourage my friends. I love being able to tell eachother that the thong is protruding from our pants, & save eachother from the embarrassment of any one other than our friends seeing it. I love when my friends tell me to never change, that they love me & that I crack them up. And I love how my best friends & I could be apart for months, even years but manage to continue on where we left off as if time had stood still.
Not every one understands me. And I dont always understand others. But my friends have my back & I theirs, & thats all that matters.

"A friend loves at all times & a brother is born for adversity." Proverbs 17:17